Getting ready to go back-to-school is a process that involves preparation, anticipation, and hopefully, pictures! Don’t miss the opportunity to capture your child’s first day of school in a photograph. From picking out an outfit, to their morning routine, to walking to the bus - there are so many real-life situations to consider for your photo shoot that morning. Keep it positive and go for the natural smiles. Sometimes it’s the moment in between the posing that creates the most authentic look. Need some inspiration? Here are 25 ideas for capturing those perfect back-to-school shots.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Getting ready to go back-to-school is a process that involves preparation, anticipation, and hopefully, pictures! Don’t miss the opportunity to capture your child’s first day of school in a photograph. From picking out an outfit, to their morning routine, to walking to the bus - there are so many real-life situations to consider for your photo shoot that morning. Keep it positive and go for the natural smiles. Sometimes it’s the moment in between the posing that creates the most authentic look. Need some inspiration? Here are 25 ideas for capturing those perfect back-to-school shots.